Saturday, 08.09.2012

Our first task on Skye was to visit Talisker Distillery - one of the remotest whisky distilleries of Scotland and the only one on the Isle of Skye. However, when we arrived we learned that the morning tours were all fully booked, so instead we made a reservation for Monday.

We now decided to visit the Old Man of Storr at the east coast of the Trotternish peninsula. On our way there the Red Hills were highlighted by the sun breaking through the clouds.

Glamaig and the Red Hills

The pinnacle of the Old Man of Storr is part of the remains of a gigantic landslip stretching over most of the east coast.

A short climb after the starting point we were facing the cliffs of The Storr covered still in clouds. The only thing disturbing this majestic atmosphere was a busload of screaming and cheering Asian tourists... truly shocking after the quiet days on the Isle of Harris.

We made an attempt to climb the cliff path to the top of the Storr but due to the gusty wind and slippery footing we soon had to turn back. However, despite or even because of the menacing dark clouds the views have been breathtaking.

Old Man of Storr

view to the north

After this short hike we continued to the Kilt Rock Viewpoint at the Mealt waterfall. The basalt columns of the cliffs look like a plaited kilt, hence the name. The car park was also full of tour buses what made us miss the seclusion we felt on Harris even more.

Mealt waterfall with Kilt Rock in the background

the cliffs facing southward

After that brief photo stop we drove the narrow road up the Quiraing west of Staffin. The winding road leads up to the view point overlooking another section of the Trotternish landslip.

Staffin Bay and Quiraing


At the Small & Cosy Teahouse in Staffin we had some tea and delicious cakes. The teahouse is aptly named and the views of the Quiraing are great.

When we once again met more sheep than cars on the road we concluded that the roads north of the Quiraing apparently are not anymore part of the tour programme of the bus companies. What a pleasant change!

At the northernmost point at Rubha Hunish
we even saw sheep on the beach - they seem to cover their needs for salt by eating seaweed. We could also watch gannets, but weather and visibility were getting worse again.

rush hour

sheep on the beach

gannets flying in formation

In the evening we browsed through the multitude of interesting books provided by Yvonne and Joe in the cosy upstairs sitting room.

To the next day  =>

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